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Doubts & Social Questions

social doubts and questions

The current scenario relating to the daily work of mainstream information, the government and the opposition, the constitutional court, the judiciary and law enforcement, and finally the popular
unions and the prevailing religion, raise legitimate doubts about
their respective deontology,

so let's ask ourselves 8 legitimate questions.....

.1 - a correct information applies the contradictory principle and disseminates the news giving
equal space to the official and controversial ones if both the sources are authoritative and verified ;
Is this criterion currently applied by the mainstream ?


2 - the constitution of states circumscribes the legislative power of the elected government within clear and inviolable indications in order to avoid abuses of all kinds,and the Constitutional Court has a duty to monitor and intervene in the event of violations ;
is all this currently happening ?

Doubts and Social Questions
ancient Roman parliament

.3 - Is the current government respecting
the inviolable rules of the current constitution 

.4 - Does the current government
opposition really play its role ?

.5 - the judiciary should investigate and intervene if it suspects the government in office is enacting laws that somehow circumvent the constitution ;
are the exercise of these supervisory principles in place ?

democratic freedom and justice

.6 - law enforcement agencies have sworn allegiance to the constitution and to enforce
laws that do not break it, and in case of suspected violations or obvious inconsistencies
legislative have the duty to denounce them to the judiciary by collaborating with it ;
is that exactly what is happening ?

supervision of constitution

.7 - historically, trade unions defend 

workers' rights by mediating with the government to agree on reasonable pacts that satisfy workers, companies and institutions ;
are they really playing their historic role ?

trade unions pact

.8 - the prevailing religion

should spread its spiritual line without undergoing intrusive
political conditioning that alters its original mission ;
does today's reality reflect this religious conduct ?

the aforementioned questions serve to raise the collective level of awareness, through which each of us can effectively participate and contribute to the improvement of a democratic social life according to their possibilities and skills by exploiting all the legal tools available.....

social awareness

orienting oneself in the labyrinthine social scenario is not easy and it is challenging,
but it is good to remember that we are the sentinels of the last bastion to safeguard the Constitution, which was sanctioned to guarantee a civil and democratically free collegial life....

democratic freedom, peace and justice
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