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October 24, 2021 - Italy

Truth social media

Truth Social   is the future social network that is likely to be activated
in the first quarter of 2022.    The main mission of the founders is to create
a social platform devoid of ideological discrimination and which encourages
free and honest conversation,  but which is also a concrete and attractive alternative capable of countering the substantial monopoly of companies
"Big Tech" of Silicon Valley,

which have used and are still using their unilateral power to silence the voices opposing their
interests. Today's competition is fragmented, consequently for comfort the popular mass
prefers to converge in Big Tech which in this way absorb most of the social market guaranteeing
to the private citizens and companies a wide visibility.

Interested people can connect to this site
through which it is possible to make a reservation that allows them to participate
in the preview of Truth Social which will take place within the month of November 2021

Among the founders of the ambitious project is the Predecessor of the current President of America

social network

To break the irritating hegemony of these technological giants are
you need huge capitals, multiple skills, strategic alliances in the financial sectors, technological and commercial, as well as a good dose of witty audacity, in conclusion, a real
Titanic Undertaking that would require
the help of some God of Olympus, but at the moment they are too busy
in our disasters...
therefore, here with comes Truth's candidacy with a
concrete official announcement that launches the Titanic Undertaking ::

PALM BEACH, FL — October 20, 2021
Trump Media & Technology Group and Digital World Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ: DWAC) have
entered into a definitive merger agreement that will result in Trump Media & Technology Group
which will be listed on the stock exchange and subject to the regular approval of norms and of shareholders.    Trump Media & Technology Group's initial valuation will have a company value
$ 875 milion with an additional potential gain of $ 825 milion in stock actions leading to an
overall valuation of approximately
$ 1,7 billion governed by the performance and share price
after the business combination

financial investment

The considerable financial investment of DWAC and TMTG
it is certainly sufficient to lay the foundations and start the ambitious project, but if the first results
are encouraging they will still have to invest huge capitals to reach the set goal and at the same
time keep vigilance high since the
Big Tech will will use every resource to hinder them...

It is reasonable to suppose
that the "Charisma and the Worldwide Popularity" of the main founder of Truth could initially
attract in his social channel over 200 million people from all over the world, therefore with a
similar catchment area it would be immediately attractive for private citizens and companies, moreover, if the facts were to corroborate this hypothesis, Truth could further evolve thus
creating a valid and concrete alternative that a long time many wait and desire...

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On the home page of
Trump Media & Technology Group is written as follows :

Our Vision
In the year 2021, the media pendulum swung dangerously to the left.
Silicon Valley, the media mainstream and Big Tech have begun to forcibly silence voices
that don't align with their ideology.   

Big Tech platforms demonetize, throttle, and cancel those who stray from the mainstream narrative.   They are not just censoring content they are determining what can and cannot be said !

By controlling how information is shared, they control the narrative.
"They control the future". "They control you".

To counter this dangerous exercise of Big Tech monopoly power,
President Donald J. Trump and TMTG are building a media and technology company
rooted in social media, digital streaming, and more. TMTG intends to even the playing field
by providing people with open media platforms where they can share and create content
without fear of reputational ruin.

Join us.

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